This was revealed by Additional Public Prosecutor HS Panchal a day after the Morbi court sent five of the accused to judicial custody and the remaining four to police remand till November 5.
An 'Act of God'. That is allegedly the contention being put forth by one of the Oreva Group managers who was arrested in connection with the Morbi bridge collapse.
This was revealed by Additional Public Prosecutor HS Panchal a day after the Morbi court sent five of the accused to judicial custody and the remaining four to police remand till November 5.
Also Read: It's wilful fraud, not will of God: Sena leader Priyanka Chaturvedi on Morbi bridge collapse
During the hearing, the prosecution listed glaring lapses. These included:
* Contractors who undertook repairs of the ill-fated bridge were unqualified to carry out such tasks.
* While the bridge flooring was replaced from wooden planks to aluminium sheets, the bridge was not reinforced to manage the weight of the four layers of aluminium sheets.
* The cables of the century-old bridge were not replaced during the renovation. Besides, the suspension cables were neither oiled or greased.
* Even though the bridge could accommodate only 150 people, it was crammed with people at the time of the mishap at around 6.30 pm on October 30. Authorities have been accused of failing to control the tourists.
* No evacuation plan was in place in case of an emergency. There were no life-saving kits as well.
Over 135 people lost their lives in the tragedy. This included 40 children. The Morbi Municipality had given the contract to Oreva group, who are clock and e-bike makers, to repair and operate the British-era bridge for 15 years. There has been a massive outcry over the names of the owners of the Oreva Group or municipal officials not being a part of the FIR.
On Tuesday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi called for a 'detailed and extensive' probe into the tragedy and sought its learnings to be implemented at the earliest.
Also read: Morbi bridge collapse: Local lawyers refuse to represent the accused
Also read: Detailed and extensive inquiry must on Morbi bridge collapse: PM Modi