Nadda attacked Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan, saying that his family was also getting involved in government matters and the Left party has allegedly also fallen prey to family or ''dynastic rule'' as ''daughter, son-in-law involvement in government is also seen''.
Kerala is now a ''hot spot'' of terrorism and fringe elements, and life is not safe here, BJP chief J P Nadda claimed on Monday. The Left party, according to Nadda, has fallen victim to family or "dynastic domination" as "daughter, son-in-law engagement in government is also observed." Nadda also targeted Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan, claiming that his family was also becoming engaged in government affairs.
Nadda said the Opposition parties were all State or regional parties and the majority of them were "family parties" a day prior in Kottayam. Referring to the rally in Haryana of opposition parties which had gathered to celebrate former Chief Minister Devi Lal's birth anniversary, he had said that ''two things are common to them. One, they all are family parties and two, all are fully neck deep in corruption''.
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Additionally, he provided examples of "dynastic parties" in several states and said that the BJP was battling to protect democracy from these "dynasty-based, very corrupt" organisations.
He mentioned the law and order situation in the State during his address on Monday in the State's capital and said that there was a big problem with the Left government's implicit backing for individuals who incite and encourage violence and that communal tensions were rising.
He claimed that State-sponsored lawlessness was another reason why BJP members, starting at the booth level, should approach the public and teach them about Kerala's system of government.
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He said, "Kerala is now a terrorist hotspot. It has developed into a hub for outlaw elements. Life here is not safe. The majority of people do not feel secure." At a meeting of the booth office-bearers, Nadda stated that there are increasing intercommunal tensions and that the Left administration is tacitly supporting those who incite and encourage violence.
Later, he also opened the Thiruvananthapuram district committee office of the BJP. He said that "appointments at Kerala institutions were being made based on favouritism" in his remarks at the booth officers meeting. Nadda said that the State administration was attempting to weaken the authority of the Lok Ayukta and made reference to the contentious Bill concerning those powers that the Kerala Assembly enacted.
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(With PTI inputs)