Delhi Police have registered an FIR against the senior official under several sections of the Indian Penal Code and the stringent POCSO Act. When the girl lost her father in 2020, the accused allegedly offered to take her to his home in North Delhi and care for her.
A senior official in the Delhi government’s Women and Child Development department allegedly raped his friend’s 14-year-old daughter over several months. Delhi Police have registered an FIR against the senior official under several sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and the POCSO Act. The official's wife has also been charged in the case for allegedly aiding him in the child's abuse.
The child, who is a class 12 student, reportedly lost her father in 2020. The accused took the girl to his house when her father passed away. Her mother agreed as they were friends, said the police.
It is alleged that the accused raped her several times between 2020 and 2021. When the teen became pregnant, the accused told his wife, who, allegedly asked their son to get medicines and the pregnancy was terminated at home, the minor told the police.
"We have added Section 120-B (criminal conspiracy) to the FIR against his wife since she assisted him in the conduct and failed to disclose it to the police," a source told media. The girl is receiving therapy at the moment and has not yet given a magistrate her statement. The claims against the senior official are being looked into by the Delhi Police.
The officer and his wife have been booked under IPC sections 376 2f (being a guardian, commits rape on woman), 506 (criminal intimidation), 509 (act intended to insult the modesty of a woman), 323 (causing hurt),313 (causing miscarriage without woman’s consent), 120 B (criminal conspiracy) and sections of POCSO Act.
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