Cops urge people to avoid identical passwords on social media sites to prevent cyber fraud

By Vinaykumar PatilFirst Published Jan 5, 2024, 9:57 AM IST

The CID's cyber department issued a crucial advisory emphasizing the dangers of using identical passwords across multiple platforms. They warned against common and easily guessable passwords, citing alarming statistics of top vulnerable combinations used globally. Advocating for unique, complex passwords and regular changes, they aim to safeguard against cyber threats.

The CID's cyber department has issued a crucial advisory to law enforcement, emphasizing the dangers of using identical passwords across multiple online platforms. This practice, including reusing passwords on social media giants like Facebook, X, and Instagram, significantly heightens the risk of falling victim to cyber fraud.

Authorities strongly advise against incorporating easily guessable information like birthdates, common names, or everyday words into passwords. The recommendation stresses the importance of regularly changing frequently used passwords, as their misuse remains a leading cause of cybercrime.

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The CID officials highlighted the prevalence of specific passwords that pose substantial security risks. The following list outlines the ten most commonly used passwords globally and the alarming number of users employing these vulnerable combinations:

1. 123456 - 45,24,867 users
2. admin - 40,08,850 users
3. 123456789 - 13,71,152 users
4. 123456789 - 12,13,047 users
5. 1234 - 9,69,811 users
6. 12345 - 7,28,414 users
7. password - 7,10,321 users
8. 123 - 5,28,086 users
9. ao123456 - 3,19,725 users
10. 1234567890 - 3,02,709 users

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These alarming statistics reveal a widespread trend of using easily guessable or commonly known passwords, leaving online accounts susceptible to hacking and fraud.

In light of this, the CID's cyber department strongly advocates for adopting unique, complex passwords for different accounts, steering clear of easily identifiable or sequential combinations. Regularly changing passwords and incorporating a mix of letters, numbers, and special characters serve as crucial measures to safeguard against potential cyber threats.

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