According to the AAP leader, Saurabh Bharadwaj, "The L-G is facing numerous serious corruption allegations. He's asking such questions to divert attention. These buses were never bought, and tenders were cancelled. A more educated L-G is required in Delhi. This man has no idea what he's signing up for."
After Delhi's lieutenant governor VK Saxena approved an investigation into the Delhi government's purchase of 1,000 low-floor buses, the Aam Aadmi Party, on Sunday, fired back, claiming the buses were never purchased, and tenders were cancelled. During a press conference, AAP MLA Saurabh Bharadwaj claimed that the CBI had opened a preliminary investigation and that the agency had found nothing a year ago.
The AAP leader said, "The L-G is facing many serious allegations of corruption. He is making such inquiries to divert attention. So far, no results have been obtained from any inquiries. After filing frivolous complaints against three ministers, he has now filed another against the fourth. He should first respond to the corruption allegations levelled against him."
"These buses were never bought, and tenders were cancelled. A more educated L-G is required in Delhi. This man has no idea what he's signing up for," he said.
अपने ऊपर आरोपों से बचने के लिए LG साहब रोज़ नए नाटक कर रहे हैं
ये मामला डेढ़ साल से CBI के पास है, उन्हें कुछ नहीं मिला
इस मामले में एक भी Bus नहीं ख़रीदी गयी, एक भी Payment नहीं हुआ
Investigation करके ख़त्म करो, हमारा Process तो तब से रोका हुआ है
A complaint sent to Saxena in June this year claimed that the minister of transport was appointed as the chairman of the committee for tendering and procurement of buses by the Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC) in a 'premeditated manner.'
It also claimed that the selection of DIMTS as a bid management consultant for this tender was done to facilitate wrongdoing.
According to sources, the complaint alleged irregularities in a July 2019 procurement bid for 1,000 low floors of BS-IV and BS-VI buses and another bid made in March 2020 for the purchase and annual maintenance contract for low floor BS-VI buses.
On July 22, the complaint was forwarded to the chief secretary, who requested comments and recommendations from the Delhi government's departments.
According to reports, the chief secretary's report, submitted on August 19, pointed out certain 'irregularities,' prompting the L-G to forward the complaint to the CBI, who is already conducting a preliminary investigation into the matter.
Saxena has approved the grouping of the current complaint, which is already being investigated by the central probe agency.
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