The Bombay High Court granted bail to a juvenile involved in a fatal Pune car accident, releasing him to his paternal aunt's care and ordering continued psychological sessions. The decision, challenging his observation of home detention, faced criticism from local politicians and highlighted alleged investigative deficiencies by Pune Police, who are accused of a lacklustre investigation.
The Bombay High Court today granted bail to the juvenile involved in the tragic car accident in Pune. The court ordered that the minor be released into the care of his paternal aunt and emphasized the importance of continuing his sessions with a psychologist.
The case came to the High Court after the minor's paternal aunt challenged his detention in an observation home, alleging it was unlawful. Last week, Justices Bharati Dangre and Manjusha Deshpande remarked that keeping the minor in an observation home despite granting bail undermines the purpose of bail. They noted, “Two lives were lost, and there was trauma, but the child (juvenile) was also in trauma.”
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The juvenile, who had been held in a correctional facility for several days, is now set to return home. This decision comes as a setback for the Pune Police, who are facing accusations of a lacklustre investigation.
The move has sparked criticism from local politicians. Ravindra Dhangekar, MLA of Kasba Constituency in Pune, has strongly condemned the investigative officers. Additionally, Sushma Andhare, a leader of the Shiv Sena Uddhav Balasaheb Thackeray party, also criticized the police handling of the case.