The accused in the 2008 Bengaluru blast case Abdul Nasser Madani had earlier cancelled his travel to Kerala stating that he was unable to bear the expense of Karnataka police for his security. However, he has now decided to fly to Kerala to meet his ailing father.
Bengaluru: The accused in the 2008 Bengaluru blast case and People's Democratic Party (PDP) chairman Abdul Nasser Madani will travel to Kerala to meet his ill father on Monday (June 26). According to reports, he will take an afternoon flight to Ernakulam and it is hinted that the government may give a concession on Madani's travel expenses.
Unable to pay for security cover, 2008 Bengaluru blast case accused Abdul Madani drops Kerala trip
Madani had earlier called off his trip to Kerala after the Supreme Court rejected his plea to reduce the cost charged by the Karnataka police for his security. Madani stated that he was unable to pay the excessive sum and that doing so would be unwise. The Karnataka Police, who are still keeping an eye on Madani, sought Rs 60 lakh as payment for the cost of their agents travelling with him to Kerala.
The Bengaluru Commissioner's Office had, however, sent a notification to Madani's family allowing them to travel to Kerala. The police stated that they will notify them of the precise cost of the trip on Monday morning. A 12-day travel permit has been granted to Madani.
Madani previously had petitioned to fly to Kerala because he wanted to visit his ailing father. He clarified that his voice was not one of defiance but rather that of someone who has experienced the sorrow of injustice.
The 2008 Bengaluru bombing accused Madani is currently out on bail. Due to bail requirements, he was unable to leave Bengaluru. He had asked the Supreme Court to order the Karnataka government to lower its demand for security protection, which had initially been set at Rs. 20.23 lakh per month for protection for 20 police officers who would accompany him.
2008 Bengaluru blast accused Madani moves SC after Karnataka cops seek Rs 60 lakh for Kerala visit