In its manifesto, as many as five hundred new schools were promised by the AAP, the BJP leader said, adding that "the new schools didn't come up but, in a pre-planned manner, they sought a report from the Public Welfare Department."
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Monday alleged a scam in Delhi's education department and stated that the city government increased the budget for the construction of classrooms in its existing schools ignoring the guidelines of the Central Public Works Department Citing a Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) report sent to the Delhi government's vigilance department in 2020.
The saffron party said the construction cost was increased by Rs 326 crore, 53 per cent more than the tender amount.
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"Corruption is in the DNA of Arvind Kejriwal. It's not AAP sarkar but PAAP ki sarkar (government of sins). He and (Manish) Sisodia are experts in corruption... Where did this money go? Did it go into your pocket, Arvind Kejriwal ji? Did you take note of the report? What action did you take on it?" BJP spokesperson Gaurav Bhatia said at a press conference.
"The AAP government promised to construct 500 new schools in Delhi. That never happened. They then said they will build more classrooms in the existing schools. The number of rooms was increased from 2,400 to 7,180. The construction cost was increased by up to 90 per cent," he alleged.
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The remarks came just before Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal was to take a confidence vote in the Delhi assembly. But another BJP leader took a jibe at that too.
"Kejriwal is orchestrating a made-for-media ‘confidence motion’ just to change headlines from the liquor scam. Will the media play along with a scamster or will they call his opportunism out? He has no credibility left, but I’m sure the media has?" Parvesh Singh Sahab said in a tweet.
The comments also come amid an ongoing probe in the excise policy case, which has prompted attacks on Delhi deputy CM Manish Sisodia, who also holds the education policy.
In its manifesto, as many as five hundred new schools were promised by the AAP, the BJP leader said, adding that "the new schools didn't come up but, in a pre-planned manner, they sought a report from the Public Welfare Department."
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"Submitted at the behest of Arvind Kejriwal, the report stated that additional classrooms will be built, and new schools won't be built."
"6,133 classrooms were supposed to be built due to the escalation in the cost. However, only 4,027 classrooms were built. According to an estimate, Rs 326 crore cost escalation took place. It was more than 53% from the tender amount," he further said.