Want to get rid of yellow nails? 5 home remedies to whiten them instantly

First Published | May 19, 2022, 5:13 PM IST

The problem with nails is that they readily become discoloured or soiled. And discoloured nails can be an additional source of humiliation because they are ugly. But don't worry, you may use some efficient home cures to whiten your discoloured nails.

The problem with nails is that they readily become discoloured or soiled. And discoloured nails can be an additional source of humiliation because they are ugly. But don't worry, you may use some efficient home cures to whiten your discoloured nails.

White vinegar

Because coloured vinegar can stain your nails, use white vinegar instead to remove the spots. The vinegar's moderate acid will dissolve stain particles on hard surfaces. To remove the stain using white vinegar, combine one teaspoon and one tablespoon of distilled white vinegar in one cup of warm water. Soak your nails for around eight minutes before rinsing them with lukewarm water. Apply a dab of moisturising cream or lotion to your hands after wiping them dry with a clean towel.

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Lemon juice at rescue

The acidic lemon juice will effectively remove nail spots. Simply rub the flesh of a leftover lemon right onto your nails for 30 to 60 seconds. Alternatively, soak a cotton swab in lemon juice and rub it over your nails. Allow it to rest for around 30 minutes before rinsing your hands with warm water. Make care to hydrate your hands afterward.

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Scrub your nails

If your nails become stained after wearing dark coloured nail polish, use a nail polish remover to remove the stain. Then, using a nail scrub brush, scrape the spots off your nails. You may also cleanse your nails with an acetone-soaked cotton pad. However, this will only work if your nails are discoloured with dark nail polish.

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Lemon juice and baking soda paste

In a mixing dish, combine 1 tablespoon lemon juice and 2 to 3 tablespoons baking soda. Apply the paste to your nails and below each nail using a cotton swab. Wash it off with soap and water after about 15 minutes.

Lemon and Salt combination

Another successful home treatment is the use of lemon and salt. The lemon will work on the stains, and the salt will function as a mild buffer, buffing away the stain while also shining your nails. To make lemon and salt scrub, mix equal parts lemon juice and salt and scrub it on your nails. Allow for five minutes before rinsing with lukewarm water. After that, apply a moisturising cream or moisturiser on your hands.

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