Krishnakumar Kunnath, popularly known as KK, died Tuesday night, May 31, after becoming ill during a performance at Kolkata's Nazrul Mancha stage. The tragic death of a well-known musician has shocked the nation.
The singer was sick during his performance, according to insiders, and took rests in between. Despite the fact that many people were aware of his condition, he continued to perform.
According to many media sources, the artist also requested that the spotlight be turned down since he was not feeling well. He was panting and sweating as well. (Video)
On Tuesday night, KK gave a live performance at Kolkata's Ultadanga Gurudas Mahavidyalaya. He ended his show about 8.30 p.m. and went straight to his hotel to relax. His health worsened in the hotel, and he was sent to the hospital.
"Unfortunately, we were unable to treat him," a top medical official told PTI. The first examination confirms cardiac arrest, but the specific cause of death will not be known until the post mortem studies are completed. A post-mortem will be performed today at a hospital in Kolkata.
Looking back on KK's musical career, it's fair to say he's one of the finest vocalists India has ever produced. He has recorded songs in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, and Bengali, demonstrating his versatility. Also Read: KK Death: Singer Usha Uthup calls it a 'huge loss'