Image: Salman Khan PR
Ahead of India’s Independence Day, Bollywood actor Salman Khan visited the INS Visakhapatnam recently, where he spent his entire day with the young officers of the Indian Navy. As India will be celebrating ‘Azadi Mahotsav’ of 75 years of independence, the celebrations at INS Visakhapatnam, the largest destroyer built in India, have started already. Amidst this, Salman, took out a day from his hectic schedule to spend time with the navy men who safeguard and secure the country.
Image: Salman Khan PR
Apart from indulging in physical activities, Salman Khan showed off some of his cooking skills as well. The actor was seen cooking a special dish for all the officers and soldiers of the Indian Navy.
Image: Salman Khan PR
During his visit to the INS Visakhapatnam, Salman Khan also interacted with the Indian Navy soldiers. The young men in uniform shared their experiences with the actor from their training days, and also spoke of staying away from their families in order to protect the country.
Image: Salman Khan PR
Salman Khan, who took a tour of the state-of-the-art ship, was overwhelmed by the patriotism and courage of the armed forces of our country.
Image: Salman Khan PR
Meanwhile, INS Visakhapatnam has been equipped with medium and short-range guns. It also had anti-submarine rockets and advanced electronic warfare and communication suits.
Image: Salman Khan PR
INS Visakhapatnam can accommodate a crew of more than 300 and has the capacity to travel at least 4,000 nautical miles at a time. The speciality of the ship is that it can carry out a typical 42-day mission with extended mission time in field operations.