With only two days left for Rishi Kapoor’s last film ‘Sharmaji Namkeen’ to release on Wednesday, March 31, a promotional event was held in Mumbai on Tuesday. Rishi’s son and Bollywood heart-throb Ranbir Kapoor attended the event along with film's director Hitesh Bhatia and Excel Entertainment’s Ritesh Sidhwani.
Ranbir Kapoor arrived in style for the promotions, wearing an all-black ensemble. The ‘Brahmastra’ actor looked hot and handsome in a printed black shirt and black pants that he paired with brown shoes.
Rishi Kapoor’s ‘Sharmaji Namkeen’ is probably the first film in the history of Bollywood wherein the same character has been played by two different actors. The film was still under making when Rishi Kapoor passed away. Later, Paresh Rawal agreed to play Rishi’s role and complete the film.
Recently, the film’s trailer was released. Before Sharmaji Namkeen’s trailer was out, Ranbir Kapoor shot a small video for all the fans, sharing how special the film is for him.
On the professional front, Ranbir Kapoor and his ladylove Alia Bhatt announced the wrap of Brahmastra on Tuesday. In their personal lives, Ranbir and Alia are rumoured to be getting married in April. However, Ranbir’s aunt, Reema Kapoor Jain reportedly said that the wedding will take place but not so soon.
Speaking of Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt's marriage, gossip mill is abuzz that the lovebirds will be getting married in Shimla, Himachal Pradesh. Previously, there were rumours that their marriage would take place in Rajasthan's Ranthambore. However, no official word on their wedding date or venue has come out from either of the two stars.