The wedding functions for Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt's marriage have begun on Wednesday. The couple will be performing a special puja for Ranbir’s late father-actor Rishi Kapoor, reportedly. The ‘pitr-puja’ will reportedly be performed to seek the blessing of the elders of the family who have passed away. Amidst this, friends and family of Ranbir and Alia have started arriving at their Pali Hill residence in Bandra, ‘Vastu’.
As per reports, apart from the puja, there will also be a small Mehendi ceremony for Alia Bhatt. Reports have claimed that only Alia will get henna applied on her hands today, while the rest of the ladies will get it done on Thursday when the official Mehendi ceremony will be held. Celebrity Mehendi artist Veena Nagda will be applying Mehendi on Alia’s hands, reportedly.
Reema Jain, Raj Kapoor’s daughter and Ranbir Kapoor’s aunt was also seen arriving at the building to attend the function. Her son Armaan Jain also arrived to attend his brother Ranbir’s wedding festivities.
Karishma Kapoor looked gorgeous in a deep yellow coloured Anarkali that she opted to wear for Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt’s first function. Karishma tied her hair in a neat, low bun and accessorised it with a maang tikka.
Also attending the puja is another sister of the groom, Kareena Kapoor Khan, who wore a pretty white lehenga. Kareena kept her hair open, as she arrived at the venue. Kareena Kapoor Khan wore a white glittery lehenga with a strappy choli and some statement jewellery.
And what will be the joy of these functions without the bride and groom-to-be’s best friend? Ayan Mukerji also decked up in traditional attire and arrived at the venue. It is no secret that Ayan is not only their best friend of Ranbir but is equally close to Alia as well.
According to some reports, Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt will be tying the knot on April 15 while others have claimed the date to be April 17. While there still continues to be confusion regarding the wedding date, there are speculations that Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt will be officially announcing their wedding date on Wednesday.