Among the six Kapoor sisters -- Rhea, Sonam, Janhvi, Khushi, Shanaya and Anshula, only two sisters were seen attending Karan Johar’s 50th birthday bash on Wednesday. Janhvi Kapoor and Shanaya Kapoor grabbed the eyeballs as they arrived at the party wearing gowns that fitted perfectly on their bodies, showing off their assets. While Janhvi gleamed in a metallic purple shimmery gown, Shanaya dazzled in a black velvet gown. Both the Kapoor sisters rocked their attires as none could take their eyes off these Punjabi beauties.
Shanaya Kapoor’s gown, on the other hand, gave a sneak peek of her perfect waste. The black velvet gown came with a stunning neck that flaunted her collar bone as well as gave a show of her cleavage. Shanaya, who has already become a star even before the release of her debut film, was one of the best-dressed ladies of the evening.
And apart from that, there was another factor that was common among the sisters – Karan Johar. It was KJo who had launched Janhvi Kapoor in the Hindi film industry with ‘Dhadak’, a Hindi remake of the Marathi film ‘Sairat’. Her debut was opposite Shahid Kapoor’s brother Ishan Khatter. As for Shanaya Kapoor, she too is being launched by Karan Johar in the upcoming film ‘Bedhadak’, co-starring Lakshya and Gurfateh Pirzada.