Blame Janhvi Kapoor for the rising temperature as the young Bollywood actress oozes hotness in the best possible manner. Janhvi has been drawing a lot of attention through her bold and beautiful pictures. The actress is loved for her pool pictures in bikinis, the backless outfits, gowns with grammatic thigh-high slits and those plunging necklines. Janhvi’s fashion sense is undoubtedly one of the best in the industry, despite which, the actress is being targeted lately. When Janhvi was seen with her cousins and friends on Wednesday night in a backless blue jumper, she sizzled like never before. However, the trolls attacked her and called her “wannabe Kim Kardashian (sic)”.
This is because Janhvi Kapoor pulled her hair back in a sleek ponytail which made her appear like Kim Kardashian. At the same time, the gown also put focuses on her beautiful and curvy assets.
One paparazzo shared a video of Janhvi Kapoor leaving the restaurant on his Instagram handle. Janhvi waved goodbye to the paps as she sat in her car.
Attacking Janhvi Kapoor for her rather chic and comfortable jumpsuit, one user wrote: “Wannabe Kim Kardashian”. However, many of those who loved her look, dropped fire and heart emojis in the comments section.
Recently, Janhvi Kapoor has worn a backless choli for Punit Balana’s ‘Lakshmi’ collection at the Lakme Fashion Week. Janhvi was the showstopper for Punit.