A few hours ago, Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone posted a selfie on Instagram trying to do a hair flip but failed. Deepika, who is very active on social media, shared a no-makeup look experiment with her hair, but it did not pan out as expected.
Deepika Padukone disclosed that she tried doing the hair flip, '"Tried doing ‘that hair thing’ people do and failed miserably! #hairflip #epicfail". As soon she shared the image social media users started posting funny and nasty comments.
Many fans loved her selfie, posted fire and heart emojis, and wrote positive words. But a few took a dig on her saying, "Itne paise h kaha rkhogi shampoo aur tel to le hi skti ho." One wrote, "Bijli ka taar pakad liya tha kya mem 440 volt ka jatka."
Image: Deepika PadukoneInstagram
Many fans loved her selfie, posted fire and heart emojis, and wrote positive words. But a few took a dig on her saying, "Itne paise h kaha rkhogi shampoo aur tel to le hi skti ho." One wrote, "Bijli ka taar pakad liya tha kya mem 440 volt ka jatka."
On the work front, Deepika was last seen in Kabir Khan's 83 with her husband Ranveer Singh, who played the role of Kapil Dev. Deepika's next is with Ananya Panday and Siddhant Chaturvedi. The film will soon release on Amazon Prime Video. On Deepika's 36th birthday, she released the trailer of Gehriyaan.