On Christmas eve, Alia Bhatt was seen waiting for boyfriend Ranbir Kapoor as the duo had headed to Alia's sisters home for Christmas celebration. Going by the photos, it looks like they had a close-knit function and the family was seen enjoying to the fullest. In the photo, Alia was seen wearing a red tube dress while her sister Shaheen looked amazing in a green dress.
In one picture, the mother and the daughter were seen sharing a cute smile as the camera captured them. Ranbir's mother, Neetu Kapoor, was also present at the bash.
To talk about Ranbir and Alia's personal life, news about their marriage surfaced online. As per reports, the couple is all set to get married in 2022. Although, there has not been any official confirmation related to the same.
On the other side, Kim Sharma and Leander Paes, who has been in a relationship since, sometimes celebrated Christmas. They had posted family photos on their Instagram handle.
Power couple Shabana Azmi and Javed Akhtar were seen sending good wishes to their fans on Christmas. The senior actress had posted a cute picture of herself and her veteran lyricist husband and had written, "Merry Christmas glad tidings and good cheer to all."
Chris Hemsworth was seen wearing a Santa cap and had posted a picture from his workout sessions. In the picture, he was seen flaunting his biceps. He had captioned the image as, "Putting in the hard yards at Santa's workshop! Merry Xmas to all!! xo".
Also read: Did you know these 5 things about ‘Thor’ Chris Hemsworth?