Comedian Vir Das has cancelled all his shows in India and abroad, scheduled for the month of November. Recently, Das’s show in Bengaluru was cancelled due to protests over his monologue ‘I Come From Two Indias’.
Stand-up comedian and actor, Vir Das has been embroiled in controversies lately over one of his shows that he performed in the United State of America, last year. During his performance, Das gave a monologue, titled ‘I Come From Two Indias’. While his monologue was largely appreciated by many, there were some who took objection to it, leading to multiple controversies.
Recently, Vir Das was slated to perform a gig in Bengaluru, Karnataka, However, his performance was cancelled owing to outrage and protest against the year-old monologue. Das had announced the cancellation of his show via social media.
While the ‘I Come From Two Indias’ controversy is anything but settled, Vir Das, has once again taken to social media to inform that all his gigs scheduled in November, has now been postponed. Does that mean the shows were pushed to later dates owning to protests? The answer to this for revealed by the comedian himself.
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According to the post that Vir Das put up on his Instagram handle on Monday, the comedian made it clear that his November gigs have been pushed. However, he said that it was a ‘bittersweet’ piece of news since he has bagged a new project which requires his immediate time and commitment.
Well, if you are wondering the reason for this, it is nothing but Vir Das grabbing a new acting project. Sharing a post with brief details about it, Das wrote: “Folks. This is a bittersweet one. I announced four days ago… I’d be auditioning for a thing for months and I’ve gotten a huge acting opportunity. Everyone in this beast gathers for some prep in Nov. I’m gonna have to push Nov gigs. Announcement comes soon & I think you’ll understand why. I’ll see you on the new live dates, and you ‘ll see me on screen like you’ve never seen me before… with some folks you’ve seen before.” Apart from being a stand-up comedian, Vir Das is also an actor who has been a part of several films including 'Badmaash Company', 'Delhi Belly' and 'Go Goa Gone'.