A grah-pravesh was held at Anil Kapoor’s Juhu residence after Sonam Kapoor and Anand Ahuja arrived with their baby boy on Friday. On the occasion, the father and the grandfather distributed sweets to the media. Watch the video here which shows Anand holding the baby in his arms as Sonam gets off the car; they were welcomed by Sonam’s mother Sunita Kapoor.
Bollywood actor Sonam Kapoor and her businessman husband Anand Ahuja arrived with their baby boy at Anil Kapoor’s residence on Friday. The mother and son had spent nearly a week in the hospital since Sonam delivered her first baby on Saturday, August 20.
On Friday, Sonam Kapoor and Anand Ahuja returned from the hospital and arrived at the former’s residence with their baby boy. A grah-pravesh was held at the actor’s Juhu residence in Mumba, as they were welcomed by Anil Kapoor’s wife, Sunita Kapoor.
On the occasion of Sonam Kapoor’s arrival back home with their baby boy, her actor-father Anil Kapoor and husband Anand Ahuja distributed sweets to the media, while receiving messages of congratulations from the paps.
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Watch the video here:
For the arrival of the newest and youngest member of the Kapoor clan, the entire house was decked up with white balloons. In fact, the new mommy and daddy in town, Sonam Kapoor and Anand Ahuja, also appeared in white outfits; the baby too was wrapped in a white cloth, as seen in the video where Anand is seen holding him in his arms.
Recently, the first picture of Sonam Kapoor and Anand Ahuja's baby boy was shared by maasi (maternal aunt) Rhea Kapoor. The pictures were from the first time when Rhea went to see her nephew in the hospital; she was accompanied by her mother Sunita Kapoor. In the pictures, an emotional Rhea could not hold back her tears when she first saw her nephew.
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Check out Rhea Kapoor’s post here:
Sonam Kapoor and Anand Ahuja got married in May 2018. Their marriage was held at Anil Kapoor’s residence in Mumbai’s Juhu neighbourhood. The couple announced their pregnancy early this year in March.