Shraddha Kapoor, who recently won the hearts of fans and guests at the Jio World Plaza launch event in a red embroidered Kanjeevaram saree and sang Aao Huzoor Tum Ko, took to her official Instagram handle and penned a heartfelt post for Nita Ambani's empowering initiative for Indian artisans.
In a world where celebrities exert immense influence, it is inspiring and so good to see them use their platform not just to promote their work but also to shine a spotlight on initiatives that truly make a difference. India's beloved actress and the most followed Indian actor on social media, Shraddha Kapoor, recently did just that by hailing and lauding the Swadesh initiative by Nita Ambani, an outstanding idea and effort focused and aimed at totally empowering Indian artisans.
Swadesh Bazaar by Nita Ambani is a unique concept designed to reinvigorate the craftsmanship of traditional Indian artisans. It highlights and mainly focuses on indigenous crafts that are in need of conservation and revival. For years, Nita Ambani has been a fervent supporter of these arts and crafts, and with Swadesh, she aspires to broaden and deepen her support on a vast, sustainable, and global scale in the future.
Shraddha Kapoor, who recently attended the grand launch of the Jio World Plaza, made quite a statement by performing the classic song Aao Huzoor Tum Ko, sporting a Kanjeevaram saree from the Swadesh collection. But her involvement goes beyond fashion and support; she wholeheartedly embraced the Swadesh initiative and expressed her admiration for the vision of Nita Ambani. In her words, "Swadesh is not a brand. It is a movement. I have seen a glimpse of Swadesh. I can proudly vouch that Mrs. Nita Ambani ji is taking the cultural roots of India to the world and how! I am always in awe of the talent and skill that every corner of India has. To see Swadesh giving the spotlight to the Artisans is so heartwarming. Kudos to the entire team."
Shraddha Kapoor is ready to reprise her role from the 2018 hit Stree sequel, Stree 2, with Rajkummar Rao. The film is slated and scheduled to release in Aug 2024. Additionally, the actress was linked to a Naagin trilogy. That project is on hold for now. She is reportedly said to be collaborating with Kartik Aaryan in an upcoming movie.