As Salman Khan shares the trailer for Dhaakad, Kangana Ranaut refers to Khan as her "Dabangg Hero," adding, "Will Never Say I'm Alone In This Industry."
Kangana Ranaut, Bollywood's Queen, is preparing for the release of Dhaakad, which also stars Arjun Rampal and Divya Dutta. The actress is now promoting the film and doing promotional appearances in various places. Notably, Kangana's close pals have been supporting the film on social media, and it appears that Salman Khan has joined Ranaut's circle of professional buddies. The Sultan star posted a trailer for her film on Twitter and wished the whole cast and crew of 'Dhaakad' well.
The Tanu Weds Manu actress quickly noticed Salman's lovely gesture and called him her "Dabangg hero." Kangana further stated that she would never claim to be alone in the profession again. Khan commented on Twitter after sharing the trailer, “Wishing team #Dhaakad the very best #KanganaRanaut @rampalarjun #SohelMaklai.” Replying to this, Kangana shared a post on her Instagram stories thanking Salman. Kangana wrote, “Thank you my Dabangg hero heart of gold. I will never again say that I’m alone in this industry… thank you from entire Dhaakad team.”
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Not to mention, Kangana Ranaut was recently sighted at Arpita Khan's star-studded Eid party in Khar, which Salman Khan's sister hosted.
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Wishing team the very best
— Salman Khan (@BeingSalmanKhan)Meanwhile, the actress discussed why Bollywood celebrities don't compliment her in a recent interview with RJ Siddharth Kannan. Because of their fears, Kangana stated that individuals in the business do not recognise her efforts. Regarding Dhaakad, directed by Razneesh Ghai, Kangana Ranaut will play Agni, a highly trained spy tasked with gathering intelligence and eliminating Rudraveer, an international people and weaponry trafficker. It will be released in theatres on May 20, 2022.