Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan recalled how his web series Tandav ran into controversies and the producers faced immense pressure and trolling. Also, his 2023 magnum opus, Adipurush, faced backlash on social media.
Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan recently talked up on the backlash that his 2023 magnum opus Adipurush received, stating that the one thing he has learnt on the job is to be cautious and avoid religion. He also discussed how his online series Tandav sparked controversy and was never renewed after its first season.
Saif visited the India Today Conclave, where he confessed that the Adipurush scandal was "unsettling". "There was a case and some kind of decision taken by the court that said an actor is responsible for what he says on screen. It is a lot of pressure. But I don't know how real the problem is. We all have to slightly police ourselves and be a bit careful otherwise there could be trouble," he stated.
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He said, "There are certain areas, for example, religion -- you just stay away from that. There are many stories that we can't tell because we are not here to make trouble. So we just completely stay away from politics."
In answer to the issue encircling Tandav, in which he played a politician, Saif added, "That show also ran into a fair amount of trouble. It was almost cancelled and the producer was under a lot of pressure. So next time if somebody offers me the same kind of job, I'd probably say no, because it's asking for trouble."
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Saif's Telugu debut, Devara, was released on Friday, September 27. In the film, he portrays the antagonist Bhaira, while Jr NTR plays the protagonist. The film also features Janhvi Kapoor.