Mumbai police on Monday recorded the statement of actor Ranveer Singh in the nude photography row. An FIR was filed against the actor after he posed nude for a magazine’s cover shoot.
Actor Ranveer Singh appeared before the Mumbai police on Monday morning to record his statement about the controversial nude photoshoot. Per reports, Ranveer met the investigating officer at the Chembur police station at 7 am to record his statement on the matter. The report further stated that Ranveer left the police station around 9.30 a.m. and will be called again if required.
According to a PTI report, an official said that the Mumbai Police recorded Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh's statement in a case filed against him for posting nude photographs of himself on social media.
Last month, Ranveer Singh shared nude images of himself on his social which went viral instantly. The same images were also shared by the New York-based Paper magazine, for whom Ranveer had done the shoot. Following this, an FIR was filed against him on July 26, with the Chembur police station. It was filed by an office-bearer of an NGO, based out of some neighbourhood locality.
The police then served Ranveer Singh with a summons to join the investigation. The actor had allegedly "hurt the sentiments of women in general and insulted their modesty through his photographs," according to the complainant.
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Based on the complaint, Ranveer Singh has been booked under various Indian Penal Code Sections such as 292 (sale of obscene books, etc.), 293 (sale of obscene objects to young people), 509 (word, gesture, or act intended to insult the modesty of a woman) and provisions of the Information Technology Act.
The purpose of the photoshoot, reportedly, was to honour actor Brut Reynolds, a popular figure from the 1970s. During one of his photo assignments for Cosmopolitan Magazine in 1972, Reynolds also posed naked. Talking about the shoot, Ranveer Singh had reportedly said, “It’s so easy for me to be physically naked, but in some of my performances I’ve been damn f**g naked. You can see my f***g soul. How naked is that? That’s being actually naked. I can be naked in front of a thousand people. I don’t give a sh*t. It’s just that they get uncomfortable."
(With inputs from PTI)