Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh has been booked by the Mumbai police under various sections of the IPC and provision of the IT Act for obscene pictures. A Chembur-based NGO had filed an application on Monday, demanding an FIR be lodged against the actor, claiming that he had hurt the sentiments of women and insulted their modesty.
(Image: Ranveer Singh/Instagram)
A day after an application was submitted to the Chembur police station, demanding action against Ranveer Singh, the Mumbai police on Tuesday, lodged a First Information Report (FIR) against the actor over obscene pictures.
The FIR was registered against Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh over his nude photoshoot, pictures of which he posted on social media, after a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO), based in the same East Suburban locality of Mumbai, had approached the Chembur police with a complaint against him.
Acting upon the complaint, the Mumbai police booked Ranveer Singh under various sections of the Indian Penal Code such as 292 (sale of obscene books, etc), 293 (sale of obscene objects to young people) and 509 (word, gesture or act intended to insult the modesty of a woman). He has also been booked under provisions of the Information Technology Act.
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According to a police official, an office-bearer of the NGO had claimed that Ranveer Singh’s nude pictures had allegedly hurt the sentiments of women and insulted their modesty, reported PTI.
Meanwhile, amidst the trolling and police complaint, Ranveer Singh has found support from his industry friends and colleagues. After Alia Bhatt and Arjun Kapoor, filmmaker Ram Gopal Verma came out in support of the actor. According to a media report, the filmmaker reportedly said that if a female actor can flaunt her body, then why can’t Ranveer Singh.
On Monday, Ranveer Singh’s ‘Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani’ co-star Alia Bhatt had also spoken in his favour. "I don't like anything being said for my favourite Ranveer Singh. I love him eternally, and we all do. He has given us so much at the movies, so we should only give him love," said Alia during the trailer launch event of ‘Darlings’ in Mumbai.
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Similar thoughts were shared by actor Arjun Kapoor who said that Ranveer Singh “should be allowed to be himself”, adding that no heap should be paid to trolls. The other actors who supported Ranveer for his bold photoshoot include the likes of Swara Bhaskar and Rakhi Sawant.
On the professional front, Ranveer Singh will next be seen in ‘Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani’. The film will mark the return of Karan Johar as a director. It also stars actor Dharmendra in a pivotal role.
(With inputs from PTI)