Ruslaan Mumtaz, with his companions, sought shelter in a garage-like space. The actor shared videos shared on Instagram stories. The bollywood and television actor, known for his brilliant performance as Dhruv in the iconic TV show Jee Le Zaraa, has got stuck in Manali amid floods.
Heavy rainfall in various regions of Himachal Pradesh has resulted in all across-the-board chaos. The floods have caused irreversible damage by washing away roads, vehicles, and even houses. Actor Ruslaan Mumtaz, best loved for her performances in films like Mera Pehla Pehla Pyaar, Tere Sang, Namaste Walhala, and so on, was currently in Manali shooting for a project. Ruslaan has unfortunately found himself abandoned due to the flooding. To keep his followers informed about the situation in Manali, he took to Instagram, sharing a series of stories giving an insight into the unexpected and gruelling situation he witnessed firsthand in this beautiful city.
Taking refuge in a garage-like area, Ruslaan Mumtaz could be seen in videos alongside his companions as they sought shelter. In one of the posts, his caption reads, "Home for the night." The actor shared a video showing the surroundings, with a caption saying that the road had just vanished. Sharing his honest thoughts, Ruslaan mentioned in the video that he never imagined being deserted in Manali with no network, no means to return home due to blocked roads, and the inability to continue shooting.
Giving insight into the same, Ruslaan said, "Never imagined I would actually get stuck in Manali with no network, no way to get back home as the roads are blocked. I am unable to shoot as well. These are tough times in a beautiful place. I do not know if I should be happy, sad, thankful, grateful, or enjoy my apple."
Ruslaan has been shooting in Manali for a while and has also been constantly dropping in and sharing pictures from the idyllic and scenic locales before heavy rains lashed the state.
A red alert got issued in Himachal Pradesh and several parts of North India due to heavy weather conditions. On Monday, landslides in Shimla resulted in four additional fatalities, bringing the total death toll to 18 in rain-related incidents over the past three days.
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