At a private event held in Mumbai on Thursday night, Deepika Padukone once again opened up about mental health. The actor was in conversation with Gaurav Kapur when she said that she was suicidal at one point in time and that “mental illness can be a lonely journey”.
(Image: Varinder Chawla)
Bollywood actor Deepika Padukone has time and again opened up on the battle against mental health. The actor had broken the shackles in 2014 when she gave an interview and publicly spoke about her depression and mental struggles, starting a conversation around it which was important and needed.
Cut to 2022, Deepika Padukone has become this crusader who encourages more and more talks on mental health and also has an organisation that works on the same lines of helping people battle mental health issues.
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Now, at an event in Mumbai on Thursday evening, Deepika Padukone once again recalled her journey when she was struggling with mental health. In a conversation with Gaurav Kapur, Deepika said, “When I spoke about (my struggles of mental health) in 2014, I don’t think I was brave and unusual. I was being honest in the sense that it changed my life forever.”
“For anyone who has ever experienced mental illness, it can be a lonely journey. That is when I realised that speaking up is how I want to take my journey forward. It was probably my calling that even if by just speaking up, if I was able to impact just one life, the purpose (of my life) would be solved,” Deepika Padukone further added.
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Deepika Padukone believes that the interview that she gave so many years ago on her mental health, has truly changed her life since then. It added a new meaning to her life. Explaining this, she said, “With the one interview in 2014, the journey hadn’t ended there; rather it began.”
Furthermore, Deepika Padukone revealed that there was a time when she was suicidal. “There were days when I would break down and would just want to sleep because it was an escape. I was also suicidal during those days,” said the actor who will next be seen in Shah Rukh Khan-starrer ‘Pathaan’, which is expected to hit the theatres in January 2023.