Disha Patani has shared the latest video on her Instagram handle which shows what will happen to any person who dares to snatch away her share of protein shake. The video, with over 3 lakh likes, has left everyone, including Tiger Shroff’s mother, in splits.
There are no two thoughts about how much love Disha Patani has for fitness. She is one of the fittest actors in the film industry who never fails to impress one with their fitness regime. Just as Tiger Shroff, whom she was rumoured to be in a relationship with, Disha is also equally passionate about fitness.
Whether it is lifting weights or kickboxing, Disha Patani does a variety of exercises to keep herself fit. She daily sweats it out in the gym just to work on her body, and also maintains a healthy and nutritious diet for the same. No wonder she has got such a toned body that most of us are fans of!
Knowing how much of a fitness freak Disha Patani is, ever wondered what would happen if you tried to take her share of protein shake? Well, if you thought that she might just let you pass easily after you grab her bottle of protein shake, you might want to think again.
Disha Patani’s latest post on Instagram is a mirror reflection of what will happen to anyone who thinks of coming in way of her and her bottle of protein shake. In the video that Disha posted on Thursday, the actor is seen brutally kicking a guy (who appears to be her trainer) after he tries his hand at the ‘last’ bottle of protein shake.
Watch the video here:
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The funny video that Disha Patani posted, has left everyone in splits. Minus the humour content, it also subtly warns everyone of the repercussions (s)he for eyeing Disha’s dose of protein as she flaunts some major kickboxing moves. The video has gained more than 3 lakh likes and over 2,000 comments (and counting) since the time it was posted on social media.
Several fans and celebrities including Tiger Shroff’s mother Ayesha Shroff, dropped laughing emoticons on Disha Patani’s post. Meanwhile, on the work front, the actor was last seen in Mohit Suri’s directorial ‘Ek Villain Returns’ which also starred actors Arjun Kapoor, Tara Sutaria and Arjun Rampal.