Actress Ramya (Divya Spandana) condemned online trolling and stressed legal recourse against it, sharing her own experiences and urging accountability. She expressed gratitude to the police for their work in actor Darshan's case and called for justice with the hashtag "Justice for Renukaswamy," acknowledging law enforcement's efforts to maintain order.
Actress Ramya, popularly known as Divya Spandana, has weighed in on the recent developments surrounding actor Darshan, currently in police custody in connection with the Renukaswamy murder case. Taking to her Instagram account, Ramya strongly opposed the issue, emphasizing the importance of law and order in society.
In a heartfelt Instagram story, Ramya began by addressing the prevalence of online trolling and its consequences. "There's a reason why social media platforms have a block option," she stated, highlighting the pervasive nature of online abuse. "Even if someone is blocked, if they persist with trolling, there's recourse to file a complaint," she added, stressing the need to tackle such behaviour legally.
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Ramya recounted her own experience with online trolls, noting how they targeted not just her but also other actors and actresses, often resorting to abusive language. "Children and spouses of celebrities are not spared either," she lamented, painting a grim picture of societal norms. "It's a toxic environment we live in," she remarked, underscoring the broader implications of unchecked online behavior.
Referring to her actions against the trolls, Ramya affirmed her commitment to upholding the law. "As a responsible citizen, I've filed cases against them," she disclosed, highlighting the importance of legal consequences in curbing online harassment. "Even a warning from the police can sometimes deter trolls," she noted optimistically, sharing her belief in the effectiveness of legal intervention.
Expressing empathy towards the young age of many trolls, Ramya cautioned about the long-term repercussions of their actions. "They have their whole lives ahead of them, but they risk ruining it by hiding behind anonymous social media handles," she remarked, urging for accountability and responsibility online.
Ramya concluded her statement by commending the efforts of law enforcement personnel involved in the case. "I express my gratitude to the police for their diligent work," she conveyed, acknowledging their challenges in maintaining law and order. "Their dedication is commendable," she added, calling for unwavering support to ensure justice prevails.
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In a separate tweet earlier, Ramya had lauded the Karnataka Police without specifying the context, reflecting her ongoing support for law enforcement efforts.
The actress concluded her Instagram story with a poignant message, encapsulated by the hashtag "Justice for Renukaswamy," Darshan, Yeddyurappa, and Prajwal Revanna, urging for fairness and justice in the unfolding events.