US is far from walk the talk on human rights, racism reveals CDPHR report
The CDPHR, an Indian organisation working on human rights, has exposed the abuses rampant in the United States in a detailed report published on Wednesday.

For centuries, the United States has been an advocate of human rights, denounced discrimination on the grounds of colour, religion, creed, etc., and launched scathing attacks on countries and societies that have profoundly ingrained inequality.
However, what will leave America red-faced is a report that is being dubbed as a curtain-lifter of the country's hypocrisy. The Center for Democracy, Pluralism and Human Rights (CDPHR), an Indian organisation working on human rights, has exposed the abuses rampant in the United States in a detailed report published on Wednesday (May 18).
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US Constitution supports slavery:
The CDPHR said in its report has highlighted that the American Constitution still stands in support of slavery and that parts of it created in support of slavery ages ago have not been removed or changed to date. According to the CDPHR report, Article 3, Article 4 of the US Constitution authorises the enslavers to seize enslaved people and provides severe punishment if an enslaved person tries to escape.
The CDPHR report states that the Constitutions of California and New York states, too, have racist provisions, which are meant to deny housing and disfranchise Native Americans, respectively. The country claims to be the world's oldest democracy, but according to the report, American law and its courts, responsible for administering justice, are themselves strongholds of apartheid.
The ghost of racism haunts the United States:
The CDPHR report states that the law enforcement agencies, legal system, and the judiciary in America have all built up a reputation for corruption and racism.
The report highlights a law passed in 1994, which the CDPHR claims was designed to ensure that Blacks would face a cruel justice system and long prison terms, benefitting the owners of private prisons. As a result, judges would punish the Blacks more severely than whites for committing similar crimes.
Claiming that American courts are a hotbed of racism, the report adds that Whites occupy the high posts compared to Blacks, Asians and Native Americans. The report states that Blacks find it challenging to find jobs as a clerk and are also handed several wrongful convictions.
The CDPHR report notes that both the political parties have been hypocritical in their conviction to end racism, and none of them has framed a comprehensive policy to eradicate it.
Blacks and Minorities treated as pawns:
The CDPHR report has also highlighted that instead of treating Blacks, Hispanics, and Muslims as equals with respect, they are used as pawns and puppets by the White supremacist political establishment through a process of using intermediaries from each ethnic or religious group. Organisations created by Whites also control Blacks, the report adds.
The CDPHR said in a report shockingly reveals that Blacks in the US are highly agitated that Planned Parenthood, an organisation controlled by White people, performs abortions and targets Blacks to cull the Black population.
Religious discrimination prevails:
In its report, the CDPHR has claimed religious minorities, particularly non-Abrahamic religions, like Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, and Jains, face discrimination. The country's zoning laws prevent Hindus and Buddhists from constructing places of worship.
The report mentions that the sixth and seventh-grade history curriculum requires students to learn that miraculous events in the Bible were actual historical events in California. In contrast, Hinduism is singled out for cruel treatment in the textbooks, and Hindu beliefs are ridiculed.
Gender discrimination and violence:
According to the CDPHR reports, dignity is denied to Native Americans. The rape rate of their women is 2.5 times higher than the national average, and the child abuse rate is double.
Raising a finger at the issue of women's safety in America, the reports claims sexual exploitation by those in power is a matter of grave concern. Statistics show that nearly 1 in every 5 American women has been victim of rape or attempted rape. The report also notes sexual abuse of young children is rampant among government officials and influential politicians. Still, such abuse is either covered up or the perpetrators are let off with light sentences.
The report also highlights the issue of domestic violence as it notes that one in five women has been raped in their lifetime. Almost half of the rape victims in the USA are raped by an acquaintance, the report added.
Voting rights suppressed:
According to the CDPHR reports, the election processes are controlled and rigged by the government and political parties' officials. It adds that political parties in America have resisted all efforts to provide voter identification cards to Black American citizens. In many cases, the votes of blacks have not been counted.
US' role in creating humanitarian crises globally
The CDPHR, in its report, has not only exposed the gross human rights violations in America but also those the country has inflicted upon other nations, either through its foreign policies or initiation of wars.
The report added that the United States' foreign policy is driven by an aim to control all the world's resources, all the politics of the world, and influence the opinions of everyone in the world. This is achieved through persuasion, inducements, the creation of strife, and the use of force.
According to the CDPHR report, more than 90 million people have become homeless in Iraq, more than 70 million in Syria and more than 40 million elsewhere because of America.
The CDPHR report also accuses the United States of manoeuvring affairs of other countries through NATO and has used NATO as a pawn in spreading conflict and violence in many countries. As a result, 2.5 lakh people died in Afghanistan, 1.30 lakh in Yugoslavia and 3.5 lakh in Syria.
According to the CDPHR, the American media and their organisations, which claim to protect human rights, cover up human rights violations in the United States and turn the world against them by showing false reports of countries around the world that do not like the United States.