World News

Who is funding Hamas?

In the wake of Hamas' rocket attacks on Israel, the Israeli Defence Forces has initiated a targeted approach to eliminate Hamas terrorists.

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The Financial Enigma

The relentless barrage of 5,000 rockets on October 7 prompts a pressing question: Where does Hamas acquire the vast financial resources and ammunition needed for its operations?

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A Global Network of Support

Hamas has established a sprawling international network for financial support, drawing contributions from many Islamic nations. This serves as a crucial lifeline for the outfit.

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Iran's Significant Role

Iran emerges as a primary contributor to Hamas's financial resources. The country's ruling clerics have faced allegations of arming Hamas and facilitating attacks against Israel.

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Qatari Assistance

Additionally, the Islamic nation of Qatar has provided substantial financial aid to Gaza, enabling direct support to Hamas operatives residing in the region.

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Shadowy Financial Web

Hamas has engineered a clandestine financial network, funnelling hundreds of millions of dollars through various shell companies. 

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Shadowy Financial Web

This covert operation has led to sanctions on numerous firms from Turkey and Saudi Arabia by the United States.

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Israel's Countermeasures

To cut off Hamas's financial lifelines, Israel has taken steps, includes cracking down on cryptocurrency channels, which were extensively utilized by Hamas

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Hamas and Hizbullah Facts

The Israeli crackdown has led to the freezing of numerous crypto accounts linked to the organization.

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