
Happy Birthday Laura Robson: Top 7 quotes by the former Tennis star

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Driven by a Desire for Improvement

"I always feel like I can do better and improve, but that's what keeps me motivated."

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On the Court and Beyond

"In tennis, you always have to keep moving forward, whether it's after a win or a loss."

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Confidence in Competence

"I believe in my ability. I've beaten top players before, and I know I can do it again."

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Embracing Growth Through Challenges

"The journey in tennis is full of ups and downs, but each challenge is an opportunity to grow."

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Learning from Victories, Defeats, and Experiences

"Tennis is a game of constant learning. You learn from your wins, losses, and experiences."

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Winning Formula

"Success in tennis requires a combination of hard work, dedication, and mental toughness."

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Fan Power

"The support of fans is incredible; it motivates me to keep pushing and giving my best on the court."

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