

This standing yoga posture involves bringing the palms together in front of the chest, often used as a greeting or salutation in yoga practice.

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This is a standing yoga posture where the arms are raised overhead, stretching the body and promoting deep breathing.

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This is a standing yoga pose where the body folds forward, bringing the hands towards the feet, and providing a stretch to the back of the body.

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Ashva Sanchalanasana

This yoga posture mimics the stance of a horse rider, with one leg forward in a lunge position and the other leg extended backwards.

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Adho Mukha Shvanasana

In this yoga posture, the body forms an inverted V shape, with the hands and feet on the ground, stretching the back and legs.

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Ashtanga Namaskar

This is a sequence of eight specific movements involving specific steps like bringing the knees, chest, and chin to the ground, as a way of paying respect to the divine.

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In this yoga posture, the chest is lifted off the ground while keeping the hands and feet grounded, promoting spinal flexibility and strength.

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Adho Mukh Shvanasan

Repeat this asana. Form an inverted V shape, with the hands and feet on the ground, stretching the back and legs.

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Ashva Sanchalanasana

Repeat this asana with the other leg forward. This helps strengthen the legs, improve balance, and increase overall stability and focus.

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Repeat this asana. It helps to stretch and strengthen the hamstrings, calves, and back muscles, and relieve tension in the spine.

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This Yoga asana improves posture, stretches the body, and promotes deep breathing.

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This is the ending posture where one stands tall with palms pressed together at the heart centre, symbolizing gratitude and unity.

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