
Poached to scrambled: 5 ways to have Egg

Eggs are nutrient powerhouses, offering high-quality protein, essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, however there are various ways to have eggs. Let's find out 5 ways

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Poached Eggs

Simmer water, add vinegar. Crack egg in, cook 3-4 min. Gently lift out. Delicate whites, runny yolk. Great on toast or salads; is a very healthy option

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Hard Boiled Eggs

Boil egg for 9-12 min. Cool in cold water. Shell, slice, or chop. Solid yolk, fully cooked. Can be used as a salad or snack topping

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Soft Boiled Egg

Boil egg 4-6 min. Cool slightly, tap to crack, peel top. Runny yolk, set whites. Enjoy with toast or as a dip

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Sunny Side Up

Heat pan, and add butter. Crack an egg in, and cook on low flame. Leave yolk runny, cook whites. No flipping. Simple, sunny, delicious

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Scrambled Egg

Beat eggs, cook in pan with butter. Stir constantly until fluffy curds form. Creamy, versatile. It is a breakfast classic and is easily cooked

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