
Navratri 2023: Know 9 colours and their significance

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Day 1: Orange (October 15)

The first day is devoted to Goddess Shailputri. It represents wealth and the realisation of aspirations. Wearing orange on this day is thought to bring blessings and good fortune.

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Day 2: White (October 16)

On the second day, worshippers seek wisdom and understanding from Goddess Brahmacharini. Her preferred colour is white, which represents purity and enlightenment.

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Day 3: Red (October 17)

Goddess Chandraghanta, personification of elegance & courage, is worshipped.  Wearing it is thought to inspire happiness, power, and courage.

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Day 4: Royal Blue (October 18)

Goddess Kushmanda is identified with the divine force that dispels darkness. Royal Blue represents strength and riches, seeking Goddess's blessings for good health and prosperity.

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Day 5: Yellow (October 19)

Devotees commemorate Goddess Skandamata, desiring happiness and wealth. Her favourite colour, yellow, represents brightness and optimism, infusing homes with harmony and wealth.

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Day 6: Green (October 20)

Dedicated to Goddess Katyayani. Her preferred colour is green, which is the colour of nature. It represents balance and progress, as well as calm and tranquillity in life.

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Day 7: Grey (October 21)

Dedicated to Goddess Kalaratri. Grey, which represents strength and perseverance, represents the eradication of ignorance and the triumph of light over darkness.

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Day 8: Purple (October 22)

Dedicated to Goddess Mahagauri. It is thought that she bestows tranquilly and perseverance. Purple is her favourite hue because it represents purity, calm, and divinity.

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Day 9: Peacock Green (October 23)

Devoted to Goddess Siddhidatri. Devotees worship her in order to obtain success & fortune. Preferred colour is peacock green, which represents acquisition of knowledge and wisdom.

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