
ICMR reveals an ideal diet chart for women

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Suggested diet

The report has a dedicated diet chart for working women. The suggested diet is for normally nourished sedentary women with BMI 18-5-23 with body weight 55 kg)

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Breakfast (470 Kcal)

Soaked and boiled whole grains-60g; Boiled red/black beans, lobia,/chickpea-30g,; Green leafy vegetables-50g and Nuts-20g.

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Lunch (740 Kcal)

Cereals-80g; Pulses-20g; Vegetables-150g; Green leafy vegetables-50g; Nuts/oil seeds-10g in curries with cooking oil (15g); Curd-150ml/paneer; and Fruits-50g.

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Evening Snack (35 Kcal)

 Milk 50 ml

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Dinner (415 Kcal)

Cereals-60g; Pulses-15g; Vegetables-50g; Oil-5g; Curd-100ml; and Fruits-50g.

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How to choose healthy options?

It suggests choosing healthy food options over unhealthy foods made of refined grains or containing high levels of added sugar and added cooking oils.

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