These seven fortunate plants are prevalent in living rooms.
Jade Plant, often known as the Money Tree or Friendship Tree, symbolises luck and wealth in Chinese culture.
Peace Lily is not only beautiful but also symbolizes peace, harmony, and good fortune.
The Snake Plant is known for its air-purifying properties and is believed to bring good luck and positive energy into the home.
Lucky Bamboo is a famous Feng Shui plant for luck and wealth. Growing it in water and training it into intricate designs gives the living space a beautiful touch.
The Rubber Plant is believed to attract financial prosperity and abundance. Its large, glossy leaves and upright growth habit make it a striking focal point in the living room.
Aloe Vera is not only known for its medicinal properties but also for its ability to ward off negative energy and bring good luck and prosperity.
Also known as Devil's Ivy, the Money Plant is believed to bring wealth, prosperity, and good luck.