
6 reasons you should stop eating late at night

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Disrupts sleep:

Late-night eating can interfere with the body's natural circadian rhythm, leading to poor sleep quality.

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Weight gain:

Consuming calories late at night may contribute to weight gain as the body's metabolism slows down during sleep.

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Acid reflux:

Eating close to bedtime can exacerbate acid reflux symptoms, causing discomfort and disrupting sleep.

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Digestive issues:

Late meals may lead to indigestion, bloating, and discomfort due to insufficient time for digestion.

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Increased risk of heart disease:

Late-night eating has been linked to higher levels of triglycerides, increasing the risk of heart disease.

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Disrupted hormonal balance:

Eating late can disrupt hormones involved in appetite regulation, potentially leading to overeating.

Image credits: Freepik
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