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Kakkanad flat's drinking water infected with E Coli Bacteria? Read on

Recently, 338 residents of DLF flats in Kochi's Kakkanad fell ill due to contaminated drinking water, confirmed by health authorities as E. coli bacteria

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E. coli Contamination Identified

E. coli, commonly from animal or human intestines, can cause vomiting, constipation, and serious health issues like organ failure in extreme cases

Image credits: Pixabay

Boiling Water for Safety

To ensure safe drinking water, boil it for at least three minutes and store it in covered, clean containers to prevent re-contamination

Image credits: Pixabay

Using Water Testing Kits

Consider using water testing kits to verify water quality if contamination is suspected, ensuring early detection and response

Image credits: Pixabay

Choosing Effective Water Filters

Install water filters with a 1 micron or smaller purification feature to effectively remove bacteria like E. coli

Image credits: Pixabay

Hygienic Dishwashing Practices

Use hot water for washing dishes to prevent contamination from water used in food preparation

Image credits: Pixabay

Maintenance of Water Appliances

Regularly maintain and clean water distribution appliances like refrigerators and dispensers to prevent bacterial growth

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Disinfecting Water

Disinfection tablets containing iodine or chlorine can also effectively kill bacteria, including E. coli, in household water supplies

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Following these preventive measures and hygiene practices can significantly reduce the risk of waterborne illnesses due to bacterial contamination

Image credits: Pixabay
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