India News

Pariksha Pe Charcha 2024: PM Modi's 7 tips for teachers, students

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1. Guiding students in decision-making:

PM Modi advises students not to seek advice from numerous people due to confusion but to trust themselves.

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2. Emphasis on health and nutrition:

PM Modi mandates students to align their diet with their body's requirements. He encourages physical activities, urging students to engage in daily exercises for 15-20 minutes.

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3. Developing writing habits:

PM Modi advocates for writing habits among students before exams. This practice enhances writing skills and helps students manage their time effectively during exams.

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4. Balancing healthy competition:

PM Modi said that lack of challenge and competition leads to a lack of motivation and consciousness. While competition is crucial, it should be healthy.

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5. Role of teachers in student well-being:

Beyond the syllabus, teachers should nurture a positive relationship, provide feedback, and visit students' homes to boost confidence.

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6. Managing stress gradually:

PM Modi advises against excessive pressure that hampers one's capabilities. He called for gradual development in any process rather than stretching to extreme levels.

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7. Caution against negative comparisons:

PM Modi warns against the detrimental impact of constant 'running commentary' from parents, teachers, or relatives, especially when drawing negative comparisons.

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