
How to make lakhs from Instagram reels in 2024?

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How to earn from Instagram reels?

Discover the secrets to monetizing Instagram Reels and turning your creativity into cash. Here’s how you can leverage Reels for substantial earnings!

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Promote products and services

Use Instagram Reels to showcase and promote your products or services. Create engaging content to drive your audience to make purchases or sign up for offers.

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Create shoppable reels

Set up an Instagram shop and use shoppable Reels to directly sell products. Link your catalog, offer discounts, and highlight new arrivals right within the app.

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Partner with brands

Collaborate with brands as an influencer to create sponsored Reels. Charge brands for promoting their products, and leverage your following to secure lucrative deals.

Image credits: Unsplash

Become an affiliate marketer

Promote products through affiliate marketing and earn commissions on sales. Share affiliate links in your Reels and increase your earnings with every purchase made.

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Promote a subscription service

Set up Instagram subscriptions to offer exclusive content. Followers pay for access to special Reels, live streams, stories, and more, generating a steady income.

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Sell a service

Monetize your Reels by offering services such as coaching or consultations. Use Reels to showcase your expertise and attract clients who need your services.

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Build a community of subscribers

Enable subscriptions to earn recurring income. Subscribers get exclusive content and perks, and you receive payouts directly from Instagram, with prices you set.

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Accept Instagram gifts

If eligible, use Instagram gifts to earn from your followers. Viewers can send virtual stars as gifts, and you earn money based on the stars received, with a minimum payout.

Image credits: Freepik
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