Govt clears decks for satellite to aid IAF fighter jets, okays 6.71 lakh AK-203s for Indian Army
The Defence Acquisition Council approved a capital acquisition proposal worth Rs 2,236 crore to acquire a GSAT-7C satellite. The deal for 6.71 lakh AK-203 assault rifles is worth Rs 5000 crore.
In an effort to prepare the Indian armed forces for contemporary challenges, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh-headed Defence Acquisition Council has approved the joint venture between India and Russia to make 6.71 lakh AK-203 series of rifles for the Indian Army and an independent satellite for the Indian Air Force.
The decision on Russian Assault Kalashnikov-203 was taken weeks ahead of Russian President Vladimir Putin scheduled visit to India. Putin is scheduled to article on India on December 5 to participate in the bilateral summit. During his visit, the two countries are also scheduled to hold their first-ever 2+2 ministerial dialogue in the national capital.
Sources in the defence establishment confirmed that that the DAC had granted approval for manufacturing of 6.71 lakh AK-203 assault rifles for the Indian Army under the 'Make in India' initiative. The deal worth Rs 5000 crore has been hanging in the balance since 2018.
The AK series rifles would be manufactured in Uttar Pradesh's Amethi, jointly by the Indo-Russia Rifles Private Limited. The joint venture was created between the Ordnance Factories Board and Russia’s Rosoboronexport and Concern Kalashnikov. OFB holds a 50.5 per cent stake in the concern with the Russian entities having the remaining 49.5 per cent share.
In a separate decision, the DAC also approved a capital acquisition proposal worth Rs 2,236 crore to acquire GSAT-7C satellite and Ground Hubs for real-time connectivity of Software Defined Radios for the Indian Air Force. The proposal also includes the complete design, development and launching of the satellite to be in India that will improve the ability of the Air Force to communicate beyond the line of sight among one another in all circumstances in a secure mode.
According to experts, this will enable IAF fighter jets and its other assets to have unhindered communication capability across hundreds of miles. Some reports said that the only other nations to have this capability were NATO nations, Russia, Israel and possibly Japan.
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