More than 700 civilians, including 52 children killed in Ukraine: UN

By Team NewsableFirst Published Mar 18, 2022, 9:31 AM IST

UN political affairs chief Rosemary DiCarlo added that the magnitude of civilian casualties and the destruction of civilian infrastructure in Ukraine could not be denied. This requires a thorough investigation and accountability. 

Over 700 civilians, including 52 children, have been killed in Ukraine since Russia invaded three weeks back; however, the actual digit is likely "much higher," UN political affairs chief Rosemary DiCarlo briefed the Security Council on Thursday. 

DiCarlo said that most of the casualties were caused by the use in populated areas of explosive weapons with a wide impact area. Hundreds of residential buildings, hospitals and schools have been destroyed or damaged. 

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UN human rights agency has registered 726 deaths, including 52 children and 1,174 people injured, including 63 children, between February 24 and March 15, said Dicarlo to the 15-member council. 

She further added that the magnitude of civilian casualties and the destruction of civilian infrastructure in Ukraine could not be denied. This requires a thorough investigation and accountability. 

World Health Organisation Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus informed the Security Council that they had verified 43 attacks on health care in Ukraine that have killed 12 people and dozens were injured. 

Tedros added attacks on healthcare are a violation of international humanitarian law in any conflict. 

Ukraine and its western allies blame Russia for attacking civilians; on the contras, Russia has called its military actions a special operation in Ukraine and denied attacking civilians, stating they are targetting Ukraine's military infrastructure. 

The Security Council is set to vote on a Russian-drafted call for aid access and civilian protection in Ukraine on Friday, but diplomats say the measure is set to fail because it does not call for an end to fighting or the withdrawal of Russian troops.

On Thursday, Albania's UN Ambassador Ferit Hoxha told the Security Council they think it's wrong. Firstly, Russia cannot shoot and then come disguised as a doctor. 

According to French UN Ambassador Nicolas de Riviere, any support for Russia's draft resolution would give Moscow the green light to continue its war.

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