
Diwali 2024: 10 lamps that can change your THIS season

When is Diwali 2024?

Diwali is on Thursday, October 31st. Lighting lamps in specific places on Diwali night is considered very auspicious and can even change your luck. Learn about those 10 places

Light a Lamp in the Kitchen

In Hinduism, the kitchen holds special significance as the abode of Dhanya Lakshmi. Light a lamp here on Diwali night to ensure abundance of food grains in your home

Where Drinking Water is Kept

Light a lamp where you store drinking water. This place is associated with ancestors, and lighting a lamp here brings peace to their souls

At the Main Entrance

Light lamps on both sides of the main entrance on Diwali night. These lamps should burn all night, as Goddess Lakshmi is believed to enter the house upon seeing them

Center of the House

According to Vastu Shastra, the center of the house is called the Brahma Sthan. Light a lamp here on Diwali night to maintain positive energy in the house

On the Rooftop

Light at least one lamp on the roof on Diwali night. You can light more if you wish, for auspicious results

At a Nearby Temple

Visit a nearby temple on Diwali night, offer prayers, and light a lamp. This will ensure the blessings of all deities

Near a Peepal Tree

Lord Vishnu resides in the Peepal tree, making it sacred. Light a lamp under it on Diwali night.

Under a Bilva Tree

According to Shiv Purana, Kubera, the god of wealth, resides in the roots of the Bilva tree. Light a lamp here on Diwali night to please him

Near a Tulsi Plant

Light the first lamp on Diwali night near a Tulsi plant. If you don't have one at home, light it near any Tulsi plant nearby

Near a River or Well

Light a lamp near a river, well, or stepwell on Diwali night. These places are also believed to be the abode of several deities, and doing this will bring prosperity to your life

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