
USA to Japan: 7 most earthquake prone countries in the world

Let's check out 7 most Earthquake prone countries in the World

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Japan sits on the Pacific Ring of Fire, making it highly prone to seismic activity. With frequent earthquakes, the country has developed advanced building codes

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As an archipelago located along the Pacific Ring of Fire, Indonesia experiences frequent earthquakes and volcanic eruptions

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Turkey is situated on the complex collision of several tectonic plates, resulting in significant earthquake risk. The government has implemented stricter building codes

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Nepal is prone to earthquakes due to the collision of the Indian and Eurasian plates. The devastating 2015 earthquake highlighted the need for improved construction

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United States

The United States, particularly California, is highly susceptible to earthquakes due to the San Andreas Fault. While stringent building codes exist, the risk remains significant

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Chile's long coastline and tectonic plate interactions make it one of the most earthquake-prone countries. In 2010 one of the most powerful Earthquakes in history happened

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Iran experiences regular seismic activity, primarily due to its location on major fault lines. The government faces challenges in enhancing infrastructure resilience

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