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How to fix a broken friendship? Tips to reconnect and heal

Image credits: Pexels

How to fix a broken friendship?

Discover steps to reconnect and heal from drifting apart with a close friend.

Image credits: Pexels

Reflect on your feelings

Ask yourself if you miss them and if reconnecting could enrich your life.

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Consider forgiveness

Let go of past grievances for your own peace and decide if reaching out aligns with your values.

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Seek guidance from experts

Expert advice suggests starting with a heartfelt message or call to initiate reconciliation.

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Taking the first step

Initiate contact with a sincere apology, acknowledging your part in any rift.

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Rebuilding trust

Understand rebuilding takes time; respect boundaries and demonstrate commitment through actions.

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Patience and Empathy

Recognize both parties need time to heal; communicate with empathy and understanding.

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Small gestures matter

Show care through consistent small gestures to reinforce your commitment.

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Healing process

Know healing takes time; be patient, and open-hearted, and cherish the opportunity to reconnect.

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Stay open to reconnection

Stay open-hearted and embrace the journey of reconnecting with a cherished friend.

Image credits: Pexels
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