
How does leg muscle tear occur? The injury MS Dhoni is suffering from

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MS Dhoni- leg muscle tear

Indian cricketer MS Dhoni is playing in IPL 2024 and is said to have a leg muscle tear due to which he cannot bat for long as it pains.

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Leg muscle tear

A leg muscle tear, also known as a muscle strain or muscle pull, refers to damage or tearing of the muscle fibers in the leg. 

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Causes: Overexertion

Engaging in intense physical activity or exercising without a proper warm-up can strain the muscles, leading to tears.

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Causes: Sudden movements

Rapid and unexpected movements, such as twisting or turning forcefully, can strain the muscles and cause tears.

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Causes: Fatigue

Muscles that are tired or fatigued are more prone to injury, as they may not be able to support the body properly during movement.

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Causes: Direct impact

A direct blow or trauma to the leg, such as a fall or collision during sports, can result in muscle tears.

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