
Chanakya Niti: How Long Does Money Earned From Wrongdoings Last?

What kind of money doesn't last long?

Many people make money by doing wrong things. Acharya Chanakya has told in one of his policies how many days the money earned from unrighteousness lasts with a man.

Verse of Chanakya Niti

अन्यायोपार्जितं वित्तं दशवर्षाणि तिष्ठति।
प्राप्ते चैकादशे वर्षे समूलं तद् विनश्यति।।

Meaning of the verse

Money earned by wrong means i.e. unrighteousness lasts with a man for a maximum of 10 years and after that it is destroyed along with interest and principal.

Why not make money from wrongdoings?

According to Acharya Chanakya, money earned from wrongdoings may give you comfort but not peace of mind. You will get peace of mind only with the money earned from Dharma.

Such money takes everything with it

According to Acharya Chanakya, when the money earned from unrighteousness goes away, it also takes away the money earned. At that time the person realizes his mistake.

What kind of wealth gives peace?

Money earned through good deeds brings happiness, prosperity, and peace to a home. One should avoid making money through wrongdoing.

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