
Barringer to Vredefort: 7 oldest meteor impact craters on Earth

Meteor impact craters are fascinating geological features; are windows into Earth’s history. These ancient craters provide insights into the violent forces that shaped our planet

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Barringer Crater (Arizona, USA)

Also known as Meteor Crater, this well-preserved crater is about 50,000 years old. It measures approximately 1,200 meters in diameter and 170 meters deep

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Chicxulub Crater (Yucatán, Mexico)

Famous for its role in the extinction of the dinosaurs, this 66-million-year-old crater is over 180 kilometers in diameter. Visitors can explore the surrounding cenotes

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Vredefort Dome (South Africa)

Dating back around 2 billion years, the Vredefort Dome is the oldest and largest impact structure on Earth. Its unique geology offers hiking opportunities

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Nördlinger Ries (Germany)

Formed about 15 million years ago, this crater is roughly 24 kilometers wide. The town of Nördlingen, located within the crater, offers historical tours

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Sudbury Basin (Ontario, Canada)

This 1.85 billion-year-old impact site is one of the largest in the world, measuring 60 kilometers in diameter. It is known for its rich mineral deposits

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