Recently, Samsung Electronics Co Ltd announced that they will be releasing Galaxy Note 7's software update in mid-December in the United States that will prevent the smartphone from functioning as well as charging, thereby remotely killing all devices still available with users. The dates of the software update for the US is December 19, and for Europe, the date will be announced soon.
After multiple reports of Samsung Galaxy Note 7 battery explosion, the company around two months back suspended all production of this high-end device and also halted its sale all across the world. The South Korean company also advised the users to stop using Galaxy Note 7.
The company disclosed that above 93% of all the recalled Note 7 has been returned to the company in the US as part of the exchange program.
It the official statement, Samsung mentioned that "To further increase participation, a software update will be released starting on December 19th that will prevent U.S. Galaxy Note7 devices from charging and will eliminate their ability to work as mobile devices."
"If you have not yet returned your device, you should immediately power it down and contact your carrier to obtain a refund or exchange." the company statement further reads.