Karnataka Deputy Chief Minister DK. Shiva Kumar has ruled out any possibility of scrapping the Peripheral Ring Road (PRR) project, but added that will consider increasing the compensation to farmers.
Speaking at a convention of farmers and land owners who are set to lose their land on account of PRR project, Shivakumar said the project is a dire necessity in order to reduce traffic congestion in city.
"I am aware of the grievances of the farmers. We are willing to consider enhancing the compensation to be paid to the farmers who will lose the land for PRR project. But there is no question of scrapping the project," the Deputy Chief Minister added.
About 2565.30 acres of land has to be acquired for the PRR project that is planned from Hosur Road to Tumkur Road.
"The total cost of the project is estimated to be around Rs 25,000 Crores including the compensation component. The proposed PRR will connect five national highways. The notification was issued in 2005. From then on, the project is delayed for one reason or the other," Shivakumar explained.
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According to Shivakumar, the Supreme Court has ordered that compensation be paid to the farmers prior to the 2013 Land Acquisition Act.
"In this background, it is not possible to pay compensation as per the 2013 Act. But still, in order to protect the interests of farmers, I will discuss the matter with the Chief Minister as well as in the cabinet to pay higher compensation," the Deputy Chief Minister added.